10 Alasan

There may  - Desa bokor - of us who already know what it ODOJ ? But there also may not yet know whether ODOJ it ? ODOJ is the movement of One Day, One Juz that invites its members to be able to consistently read the Qur'an juz one day one . However , lest you get stuck on the bandwagon . Here are 10 reasons why we should not follow ODOJ :

1 . Danger obat tradisional sariawan hooked . Come ODOJ make us so addicted although initially heavy , but if it is used , every day there is always a motivation to recitations 1 juz .

2 . Remember Qur'an continues . Want to leave the house which had brought the Koran to remember yet ? If the Quran in the diinget HP HP - di- dah its full charge yet ? Everywhere remember the Quran to be taken .

3 . Ga. could daydream / menghayal . If there is usually time to spare , we often unconsciously use to daydream or menghayal . Whether in public buses , taxis , waiting for food orders , waiting for the motor / car washed , etc. . If you join ODOJ , our time so narrow , but so are more valuable to pass up.

4 . So rarely play the game . Usually it a little bit we like to play the game at HP , when to go take care of something while waiting for completion of our open HP : make status on FB , read and read others' status , tweet , selfie photos , upload all kinds, etc. . If you've come ODOJ , I think if you do not really love her juz finished ration .

5 . Soap opera not sell . For those already working , especially women , sometimes refreshing office home watching soap operas . If it join in ODOJ , boro - boro watch . Home office dinner , evening prayers ' , then sit ngelarin juz calm her .

6 . Newspapers vs. the Quran . Home office sought first newspaper . Holiday weekend morning coffee on the patio while hanging out together eat snacks , reading the newspaper . Now there rival newspaper , namely the Koran .

7 . Stingy time . So often counted - itungan same time . Planning for nyicil reading . There are hours of rest ngatur time between eating , sleeping , at recitations . Home mortgage office tilawahnya much , definitely think-think when invited to hang out or kongkow - kongkow .

8 . Every day had a debt . 10 sheet debt Quran recitations . The pay is up to us who ngatur , would split 2 each before or after the obligatory prayers . Or there is also a pay- once seated immediately paid off . If dah paid tenaaangnya can not dibayangin .

9 . Drug dependence . Many say, the Quran recitations as anti troubled . Because many jomblowan / jomblowati who spotted sitting alone reading the Quran with the goal of eliminating the confusion once sat directly done / finished .

10 . Nambahin add - brother . Who does not like to have a friend or a friend let alone brothers , do not join me, because you add a minimum follow- ODOJ 30 people . Remind each other that I have not finished , encourage , pray for each other , just like you see deh big meet .

So if you feel quite dependent life with all things earthly smell , enough with false happiness , satisfied with the routine without a touch of divine chant kalam . Maybe it's time you join to be a draw that happiness does not always exist in this world , but also in the hereafter village . Wallahu nature , may be useful !